DeSci Nodes

Elevate your research

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A radically open architecture for verifiable research

Researchers: Publish your papers alongside artifacts such as code, data, videos, and more. Make your work accessible, interactive, computable, and easy to credit.

Builders: Create new types of research platforms combining the capabilities of preprint servers, data repositories, and cloud computing infrastructure.

Open and composable: Every participant in the network contributes to an open knowledge repository. No platform boundaries. No vendor-lock in.

This is just the beginning: This is a beta with a limited set of features. Join our open source community and let’s build tools for a more accessible, open, efficient system of science.

Researchers: Publish composable research objects

Make your research come together

Publish and connect manuscripts, code, datasets, videos, and more into dynamic, interoperable research objects. Contribute to reproducible, open, and FAIR science.

Drag and drop files, copy & paste links, refine metadata, and publish on the decentralized web.

It’s that simple.

Easy to build on, credit, and collaborate

All of the components of your research are citable and can accrue credit. A single persistent identifier based on a cryptographic hash function secures your entire research object. No more link rot, content drift, or multitudes of DOIs.

Public and private key pairs ensure that you and your core contributors remain in control of the version of record.

Discoverable across platforms

Allow anyone to discover and interact with the entirety of your research object anywhere: on your favorite preprint or postprint platform, personal website, etc.

Enrich your manuscript with digitally-signed permalinks linking data, computational workflows, video of experimental procedures, and much more.

Arxiv logoBiorxiv Logo

Superpowers for research papers

Connect a data drive with compute capabilities to your research paper

Publish petabyte-scale datasets

Sustainable, immutable, and affordable storage for large, impactful and open scientific data born out of your research.

Used by CERN's ATLAS project and UC Berkeley's underground physics group.
Contact us for sponsorship to store your big data for free.

Run compute jobs over the data published in any DeSci Node

Experiment with novel decentralized compute to execute complex jobs right where the data lives.

Scientific project tested on Bacalhau. Run compute jobs on their datasets.
Compute Over Data (COD) will be directly accessible in Nodes.

Builders: Develop applications on a radically open backend for the scientific record

Interface with the decentralized web

Research outputs are stored on IPFS/Filecoin and indexed on a permissionless open index as non-transferable, identity-linked tokens.

This enables token-gated versionability, solves the chronological oracle problem, and creates the equivalent of an unblockable access API for anyone to build on in the DeSci space.

Secure and interoperable PIDs

A single decentralized persistent identifier connects all the components of a research object in a citable, granular, and verifiable way.

DeSci’s dPIDs (Decentralized Persistent Identifiers) protect against content drift and prevent artifact and citation fragmentation.

Resolvable for humans and machines

dPIDs resolve consistently to their content with rich provenance and machine-actionable metadata.

Research communities can define new components with metadata schemas and semantic models to maximize interoperability and re-useability and improve data FAIRness.

Roadmap 2023

Compute integration

Run code, containers, and notebooks to reproduce figures, test models, and explore results directly from the published work as seamlessly as possible in a web app.

Funding integration

Integration with Gitcoin, Hypercerts, and other novel public goods funding mechanisms to reward ambitious contributions to humankind’s knowledge.

Verifiable attestations of quality

Showcase excellence and commitment to verifiable research with attestations of quality developed by scientific organisations, such as ACM, OSF, and the DeSci Foundation.

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